Almost on holidays

New posts in progress...Hello there. As you may see, lately I haven’t posted anything new. I wanted to keep posting regularly (preferably 2 in 2 days), but school is a pain in the ass. Fortunately, after day 17 this month I’ll be on the long-awaited Summer holidays! Which means I will be able to post freely! 🙂

Until then, I’ll work in a ‘surprise’ (not really, I’d rather consider it another project) for the blog. Stay tuned!

About яσdяigσ

Rodrigo started playing Left 4 Dead 2 at a local LAN house in October 2010. A few months later, in mid-2011, he was lucky a generous Dutch friend gifted him the game. Since then, he has been mastering and discovering things in the game. His favourite game modes are Scavenge and Survival.

Posted on June 15, 2011, in General and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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