NoobTube Servers: amazing modded servers

Quick notice: I am finally on holidays! Time to update the blog, as I promised.

Today I wanted to share with you all a neat Steam group called NoobTube (–NT–). They have 19 heavily modded Survival servers without many lag; 2 of them are located on New York (USA), 1 in Los Angeles (USA), 1 in London (UK), 4 in Frankfurt (Germany) and 11 in Helsinki (Finland).

Their servers are really amazing, due to the mods it have. Some of the (main) mods are: a custom vote menu (with lots of features, such as to change gravity, toggle godmode, spawn infected/a surprise and much more), user menu, character select menu (CSM – you can turn in to other survivors, infected and even the Witch! Or a clown!), building system (just like in Garry’s Mod, you can build with lots of objects and tools, and you can grab, rotate and delete them freely) and an epic portal system (similar concept to the Portal games – red and blue portals allow players [also infected and projectiles] to teleport from a point to another).

Below is a sideshow with some screenshots I took of the main features in one of their servers (with the Helms Deep Reborn custom map).

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About яσdяigσ

Rodrigo started playing Left 4 Dead 2 at a local LAN house in October 2010. A few months later, in mid-2011, he was lucky a generous Dutch friend gifted him the game. Since then, he has been mastering and discovering things in the game. His favourite game modes are Scavenge and Survival.

Posted on June 19, 2011, in Goodies and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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