Versus Survival is back!

Versus SurvivalThat’s right! Versus Survival, the best mutation in my opinion, is back!

As the name implies, it’s a mix between the modes Versus and Survival, which means there are two teams: Infected and Survivors. The game lasts as long as the teams keep beating each others records. There are (playable) Tanks, but Witches do not spawn. It is a very popular mutation and  is highly enjoyed by the community. I wish someday Valve puts this as an official mode, like they did to Realism Versus and regular Realism.  It is very entertaining, but there are some things that Valve needs to improve and fix. Below is an (incomplete) list of them.

  • Fix the timer bug. This happens when the “Spawning starts in X seconds” ends and automatically starts the game without manually calling a horde before. This does not happen always, and there are times the timer starts after, but it’s very annoying when the timer stays frozen at 00:00.00!
  • Implement a scoreboard at the end of rounds, like in Scavenge and Versus.
  • Use the ‘Rematch‘ feature at the end when a team wins, like in Scavenge, instead of immediately returning to lobby, which is extremely frustrating
  • Use the “Your team is winning”/”Your team is loosing” and “You will play as the *team’s name”” like in Versus.
  • Improve the lobby: just like in Scavenge and Versus, have an option to switch between the game modes. At least 3 options: “Change to Scavenge”, “Change to Versus” and “Change to Survival”.
  • And most importantly: after fixing and improving the mutation, make it official! 😀

Also, don’t forget to check out the most recent news in the L4D Blog (click here) and vote in the latest pool in-game (which is “Guns! How many?“. I personally voted for “prefer that there are enough for everyone”)!

About яσdяigσ

Rodrigo started playing Left 4 Dead 2 at a local LAN house in October 2010. A few months later, in mid-2011, he was lucky a generous Dutch friend gifted him the game. Since then, he has been mastering and discovering things in the game. His favourite game modes are Scavenge and Survival.

Posted on August 27, 2011, in News and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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