My Left 4 Dead 2 config (FPS, crosshair, demo recording and more!)

I have decided to post my Left 4 Dead 2 config that I built while checking websites and advice from friends. It is recommended that you take a thorough look at it, as it is custom made for my personal taste, you are free to change it. Read the rest of this post to see it.

Please do not share it saying it is yours. Always link to this post.

How to use

1. Go to C:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\<your username>\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg (in Vista and 7 it’s in C:\Users\<your computer name>\Steam\steamapps\<your username>\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg).

2. Create a file named autoexec.cfg (NOT .txt) if you don’t already have it. Make your Notepad open .cfg files or get Notepad++ (highly recommended).

3. Put the code I’ll post below on it and save. Then start your game and it’s ready! If you don’t see any change, open up your console and type in it exec autoexec.

//Rodrigo's L4D2 config
echo »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«
echo "Executing RM's autoexec.cfg";
echo "RM's autoexec.cfg succesfuly executed. Have fun!";
echo »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«
// =============
// Miscellaneous
// ============= sv_search_key ""; // You may set your personal server search key here.
mm_dedicated_force_servers ""; // You may set your personal server IP(s) to force from lobby as the leader here. Separate multiple IPs with commas.
rcon_password ""; // You may set the rcon password for your server here if available. cc_subtitles "0"; // Enables full captioning when captioning is enabled, not just subtitles. (Default: 0)
cl_downloadfilter "all"; // Disables custom server content download. (Default: all)
cl_ideal_spec_mode "6"; // Sets the default spectator mode to free roam. (Default: 5)
cl_timeout "30"; // Disconnects from a server after 30 seconds of timeout. (Default: 60)
closecaption "0"; // Enables captioning. (Default: 0)
con_enable "1"; // Enables the console. (Default: 0)
bind "F12" toggleconsole // Toggles console to F1 (added by Rodrigo Medeiros) 
dsp_enhance_stereo "1"; // Sets the stereo sound quality to high. (Default: 0)
gameinstructor_enable "0"; // Disables the game instructor. (Default: 1)
mat_grain_scale_override "0.0"; // Disables the film grain effect. (Default: 1.0)
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "140"; // Restricts public server searches to a maximum ping of X. (Default: 150)
// sensitivity "3"; // Controls the in-game mouse sensitivity. (Default: 3)
snd_musicvolume "1"; // Sets the music volume to the maximum. (Default: 1)
spec_allowroaming "1"; // Allows free spectator roaming. (Default: 0)
voice_enable "1"; // Enables voice-ingame. (Default: 1)
voice_modenable "1"; // Enables voice-ingame. (Default: 1)
voice_scale "1"; // Sets the voice-ingame receive volume to the maximum. (Default: 0.7) 
// ===================
// Connection Settings
// =================== // Definition of the five different lerp options.
alias "lerp_0" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0;cl_interp_ratio -1;alias lerp_change lerp_16.7;echo Lerp set to 0 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0, cl_interp_ratio -1).";
alias "lerp_16.7" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0167;cl_interp_ratio -1;alias lerp_change lerp_33.4;echo Lerp set to 16.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0167, cl_interp_ratio -1).";
alias "lerp_33.4" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0334;cl_interp_ratio -1;alias lerp_change lerp_50.1;echo Lerp set to 33.4 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0334, cl_interp_ratio -1).";
alias "lerp_50.1" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0501;cl_interp_ratio -1;alias lerp_change lerp_66.7;echo Lerp set to 50.1 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0501, cl_interp_ratio -1).";
alias "lerp_66.7" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0667;cl_interp_ratio -1;alias lerp_change lerp_0;echo Lerp set to 66.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0667, cl_interp_ratio -1)."; lerp_16.7; // Loading of one of the five different lerp options. Change the value here to use a different lerp. // Additional rates presets mainly for testing purposes and changing settings quickly via the console. You can normally ignore these, just use the above.
alias "rd" "rate 10000;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_updaterate 20;cl_interp 0.1;cl_interp_ratio 2;echo Shitty default rates providing lerp 100 (rate 10000, cl_cmdrate 30, cl_updaterate 20, cl_interp 0.1, cl_interp_ratio 2) set.";
alias "rd+" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_updaterate 30;cl_interp 0.1;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Improved default rates while still providing shitty lerp 100 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 30, cl_updaterate 30, cl_interp 0.1, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc1" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_updaterate 30;cl_interp 0.0667;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #1 providing lerp 66.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 30, cl_updaterate 30, cl_interp 0.0667, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc2" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_updaterate 30;cl_interp 0.0334;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #2 providing lerp 33.4 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 30, cl_updaterate 30, cl_interp 0.0334, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc3" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_updaterate 30;cl_interp 0.0;cl_interp_ratio 1-;echo Custom rates preset #3 providing lerp 0 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 30, cl_updaterate 30, cl_interp 0.0, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc4" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 60;cl_updaterate 60;cl_interp 0.0334;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #4 providing lerp 33.4 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 60, cl_updaterate 60, cl_interp 0.0334, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc5" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 60;cl_updaterate 60;cl_interp 0.0167;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #5 providing lerp 16.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 60, cl_updaterate 60, cl_interp 0.0167, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc6" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 60;cl_updaterate 60;cl_interp 0.0;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #6 providing lerp 0 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 60, cl_updaterate 60, cl_interp 0.0, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc7" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.02;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #7 providing lerp 20 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.02, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc8" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.01;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #8 providing lerp 10 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.01, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc9" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #9 providing lerp 0 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc10" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0667;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #10 providing lerp 66.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0667, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc11" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0501;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #11 providing lerp 50.1 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0501, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc12" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0334;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #12 providing lerp 33.4 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0334, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc13" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0167;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #13 providing lerp 16.7 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0167, cl_interp_ratio -1) set.";
alias "rc14" "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 100;cl_updaterate 100;cl_interp 0.0;cl_interp_ratio -1;echo Custom rates preset #14 providing lerp 0 (rate 30000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100, cl_interp 0.0, cl_interp_ratio -1) set."; 
// =========
// Crosshair
// ========= cl_crosshair_alpha "255"; // Controls the crosshair opacity. (Default: 255)
cl_crosshair_dynamic "0"; // Stops the crosshair from showing your bullet spread and makes it remain static instead. (Default: 1)
cl_crosshair_thickness "2"; // Controls the thickness of the crosshair. (Default: 2)
cl_colorblind "1"; // Enables colorblind mode for the crosshair only. Makes it white with a black surrounding. (Default: 0)
cl_crosshair_red "255"; // Controls the amount of red color in the crosshair if colorblind mode is disabled. (Default: 138)
cl_crosshair_green "0"; // Controls the amount of green color in the crosshair if colorblind mode is disabled. (Default: 182)
cl_crosshair_blue "0"; // Controls the amount of blue color in the crosshair if colorblind mode is disabled. (Default: 220) 
// =====
// Glows
// ===== cl_glow_survivor_r "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_g "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_b "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b "0.0";
cl_glow_item_r "1.0";
cl_glow_item_g "1.0";
cl_glow_item_b "1.0";
cl_glow_item_far_r "1.0";
cl_glow_item_far_g "1.0";
cl_glow_item_far_b "1.0";
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r "1.0";
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g "0.0";
cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b "0.0";
cl_glow_ability_r "1.0";
cl_glow_ability_g "0.0";
cl_glow_ability_b "0.0";
cl_glow_infected_r "0.0";
cl_glow_infected_g "1.0";
cl_glow_infected_b "1.0";
cl_glow_ghost_infected_r "1.0";
cl_glow_ghost_infected_g "1.0";
cl_glow_ghost_infected_b "1.0";
cl_glow_infected_vomit_r "1.0";
cl_glow_infected_vomit_g "0.0";
cl_glow_infected_vomit_b "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_include_buffer "1"; // Controls whether any temporary health buffer will affect the color of the survivor glows or only permanent health. (Default: 1)
cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse "0"; // Disables pulsating glows. Normally in effect when the survivors have any temporary health. (Default: 1)
cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_amount "0.3";
cl_glow_survivor_health_bleed_pulse_speed "10";
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_med_b "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_r "1.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_g "0.0";
cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_b "0.0"; 
// =====================
// Scoreboard & Netgraph
// ===================== bind "TAB" "+showscores_custom"; // Rebinds TAB to a custom script adding the netgraph to the scoreboard. (Default: +showscores) net_graphpos "0"; // Places the netgraph in the bottom left corner, together with the scoreboard. (Default: 1)
net_scale "15"; // Reduces the sizes of the netgraph bars. (Default: 5)
net_graphshowlatency "0"; // Disables displaying of the latency graph. (Default: 1)
net_graphshowinterp "0"; // Disables displaying of the interpolation graph. (Default: 1) alias "+showscores_custom" "+showscores;net_graph 4";
alias "-showscores_custom" "-showscores;net_graph 0"; 
// =================
// Brightness Toggle
// ================= alias "brightness_normal" "mat_monitorgamma 2.2;mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 0;alias brightness_toggle brightness_maximum";
alias "brightness_maximum" "mat_monitorgamma 1.6;mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 1;alias brightness_toggle brightness_normal"; alias "brightness_toggle" "brightness_maximum"; 
// ============================
// Force Dedicated Lobby Server
// ============================ // These are some European Confogl servers that you can force from a lobby as the leader with the appropriate console command (pwg, l4d2tv, gm or pixie).
 // While these are normally used by various random players, keep in mind nevertheless that in general just because you are able to connect to a server,
 // it does not automatically mean that you are also allowed to use it for matches, so use these at your own discretion.
 // Also, some of the IPs might not work anymore after some time if an owner makes changes to his server structure.
alias "pwg" "mm_dedicated_force_servers,,,,,,,,,;Echo Dedicated lobby server set to the Pub War Group servers.";
alias "l4d2tv" "mm_dedicated_force_servers,,,,,,,;Echo Dedicated lobby server set to the servers.";
alias "gm" "mm_dedicated_force_servers,,,,,,,,,;Echo Dedicated lobby server set to the Gaming Madness servers."
alias "pixie" "mm_dedicated_force_servers,,,,;Echo Dedicated lobby server set to the Router Pixies servers."; 
// ===================
// Server Status Check
// =================== // The server status check script is split up into multiple aliases because it is too long for a single alias.
alias "server_status_check" "server_status_check_1";
alias "server_status_check_1" "toggleconsole;wait 50;echo;echo;wait 5;echo ================================================================================;wait 5;echo;wait 5;server_status_check_2";
alias "server_status_check_2" "status;wait 50;echo;server_status_check_3";
alias "server_status_check_3" "sv_minrate;sv_maxrate;sv_mincmdrate;sv_maxcmdrate;help sv_minupdaterate;help sv_maxupdaterate;help sv_client_min_interp_ratio;help sv_client_max_interp_ratio;echo;server_status_check_4";
alias "server_status_check_4" "meta list;wait 50;echo;wait 5;server_status_check_5";
alias "server_status_check_5" "sm plugins;sm plugins 11;sm plugins 22;sm plugins 33;sm plugins 44;sm plugins 55;sm plugins 66;sm plugins 77;sm plugins 88;sm plugins 99;wait 50;echo;wait 5;server_status_check_6";
alias "server_status_check_6" "confogl_clientsettings;wait 50;echo;server_status_check_7";
alias "server_status_check_7" "confogl_cvardiff;wait 50;echo;wait 5;server_status_check_8";
alias "server_status_check_8" "echo ================================================================================;wait 5;echo;echo"; alias "server_confogl_cvars" "server_confogl_cvars_1";
alias "server_confogl_cvars_1" "toggleconsole;wait 50;echo;echo;wait 5;echo ================================================================================;wait 5;echo;wait 5;server_confogl_cvars_2";
alias "server_confogl_cvars_2" "confogl_cvarsettings;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 20;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 40;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 60;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 80;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 100;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 120;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 140;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 160;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 180;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 200;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 220;wait 15;confogl_cvarsettings 240;wait 50;echo;wait 5;server_confogl_cvars_3";
alias "server_confogl_cvars_3" "echo ================================================================================;wait 5;echo;echo"; 
// ========================
// Third-person View & Zoom
// ======================== cam_ideallag "0"; // Third-person camera adjustments to allow better look & aiming.
cam_idealyaw "0"; //
cam_idealdelta "4"; //
cam_idealpitch "0"; //
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "720"; //
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40"; //
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "10"; //
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "0"; // alias "thirdperson_defaultzoom" "thirdperson_zoom_100";
alias "thirdperson_on" "firstperson;thirdpersonshoulder;bind mwheelup thirdperson_zoom_in;bind mwheeldown thirdperson_zoom_out;thirdperson_defaultzoom;alias thirdperson_toggle thirdperson_off";
alias "thirdperson_off" "firstperson;bind mwheelup invprev;bind mwheeldown invnext;alias thirdperson_toggle thirdperson_on"; alias "thirdperson_zoom_30" "cam_idealdist 30;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_30;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_35";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_35" "cam_idealdist 35;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_30;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_40";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_40" "cam_idealdist 40;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_35;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_45";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_45" "cam_idealdist 45;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_40;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_50";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_50" "cam_idealdist 50;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_45;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_55";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_55" "cam_idealdist 55;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_50;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_60";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_60" "cam_idealdist 60;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_55;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_65";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_65" "cam_idealdist 65;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_60;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_70";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_70" "cam_idealdist 70;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_65;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_75";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_75" "cam_idealdist 75;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_70;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_80";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_80" "cam_idealdist 80;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_75;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_85";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_85" "cam_idealdist 85;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_80;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_90";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_90" "cam_idealdist 90;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_85;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_95";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_95" "cam_idealdist 95;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_90;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_100";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_100" "cam_idealdist 100;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_95;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_105";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_105" "cam_idealdist 105;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_100;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_110";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_110" "cam_idealdist 110;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_105;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_115";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_115" "cam_idealdist 115;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_110;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_120";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_120" "cam_idealdist 120;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_115;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_125";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_125" "cam_idealdist 135;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_120;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_130";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_130" "cam_idealdist 130;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_125;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_135";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_135" "cam_idealdist 135;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_130;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_140";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_140" "cam_idealdist 140;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_135;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_145";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_145" "cam_idealdist 145;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_140;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_150";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_150" "cam_idealdist 150;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_145;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_155";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_155" "cam_idealdist 155;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_150;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_160";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_160" "cam_idealdist 160;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_155;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_165";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_165" "cam_idealdist 165;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_160;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_170";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_170" "cam_idealdist 170;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_165;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_175";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_175" "cam_idealdist 175;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_170;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_180";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_180" "cam_idealdist 180;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_175;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_185";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_185" "cam_idealdist 185;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_180;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_190";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_190" "cam_idealdist 190;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_185;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_195";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_195" "cam_idealdist 195;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_190;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_200";
alias "thirdperson_zoom_200" "cam_idealdist 200;alias thirdperson_zoom_in thirdperson_zoom_195;alias thirdperson_zoom_out thirdperson_zoom_200"; alias "thirdperson_toggle" "thirdperson_on"; 
// =======================
// Demo Playback Timescale
// ======================= alias "demo_timescale_binds_on" "bind mwheelup demo_timescale_up;bind mwheeldown demo_timescale_down;bind mouse3 demo_timescale_1;alias demo_timescale_binds_toggle demo_timescale_binds_off;demo_timescale_1;echo Demo playback timescale binds turned ON.";
alias "demo_timescale_binds_off" "bind mwheelup invprev;bind mwheeldown invnext;bind mouse3 +zoom;alias demo_timescale_binds_toggle demo_timescale_binds_on;demo_timescale_1;echo Demo playback timescale binds turned OFF."; alias "demo_timescale_75" "demo_timescale 75;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_75;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_50";
alias "demo_timescale_50" "demo_timescale 50;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_75;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_25";
alias "demo_timescale_25" "demo_timescale 25;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_50;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_10";
alias "demo_timescale_10" "demo_timescale 10;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_25;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_7.5";
alias "demo_timescale_7.5" "demo_timescale 7.5;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_10;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_5";
alias "demo_timescale_5" "demo_timescale 5;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_7.5;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_4";
alias "demo_timescale_4" "demo_timescale 4;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_5;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_3";
alias "demo_timescale_3" "demo_timescale 3;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_4;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_2";
alias "demo_timescale_2" "demo_timescale 2;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_3;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_1.75";
alias "demo_timescale_1.75" "demo_timescale 1.75;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_2;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_1.5";
alias "demo_timescale_1.5" "demo_timescale 1.5;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_1.75;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_1.25";
alias "demo_timescale_1.25" "demo_timescale 1.25;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_1.5;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_1";
alias "demo_timescale_1" "demo_timescale 1;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_1.25;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.8";
alias "demo_timescale_0.8" "demo_timescale 0.8;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_1;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.6";
alias "demo_timescale_0.6" "demo_timescale 0.6;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.8;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.4";
alias "demo_timescale_0.4" "demo_timescale 0.4;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.6;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.2";
alias "demo_timescale_0.2" "demo_timescale 0.2;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.4;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.1";
alias "demo_timescale_0.1" "demo_timescale 0.1;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.2;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.05";
alias "demo_timescale_0.05" "demo_timescale 0.05;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.1;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.01";
alias "demo_timescale_0.01" "demo_timescale 0.01;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.05;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.001";
alias "demo_timescale_0.001" "demo_timescale 0.001;alias demo_timescale_up demo_timescale_0.01;alias demo_timescale_down demo_timescale_0.001"; alias "demo_timescale_binds_toggle" "demo_timescale_binds_on"; 
// ===================================================
// Demo Playback Crosshair, Gun Viewmodel & HUD Toggle
// =================================================== alias "crosshair_off" "cl_crosshair_alpha 0;alias crosshair_toggle crosshair_on";
alias "crosshair_on" "cl_crosshair_alpha 255;alias crosshair_toggle crosshair_off";
alias "crosshair_complete_off" "crosshair_off;crosshair 0;alias crosshair_complete_toggle crosshair_complete_on";
alias "crosshair_complete_on" "crosshair_on;crosshair 1;alias crosshair_complete_toggle crosshair_complete_off";
crosshair_complete_on; alias "viewmodel_off" "sv_cheats 1;r_drawviewmodel 0;r_flashlightbrightness 0;alias viewmodel_toggle viewmodel_on";
alias "viewmodel_on" "r_drawviewmodel 1;r_flashlightbrightness 0.25;alias viewmodel_toggle viewmodel_off";
alias "viewmodel_toggle" "viewmodel_off"; alias "hud_off" "sv_cheats 1;cl_drawhud 0;hidehud 4;closecaption 0;alias hud_toggle hud_on";
alias "hud_on" "cl_drawhud 1;hidehud 0;closecaption 1;alias hud_toggle hud_off";
alias "hud_toggle" "hud_off";

About яσdяigσ

Rodrigo started playing Left 4 Dead 2 at a local LAN house in October 2010. A few months later, in mid-2011, he was lucky a generous Dutch friend gifted him the game. Since then, he has been mastering and discovering things in the game. His favourite game modes are Scavenge and Survival.

Posted on December 10, 2012, in Goodies and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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