
Around October 2011, me and a friend found a LAN house called Hexaplural, which unfortunately doesn’t exist any more. It had Steam accounts full of games. We tried lots of the games until we first got our hands on Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Since then, we visited the LAN house everyday day after school. I don’t remember how it exactly started, but at the end of 2010/start of 2011, an internet Dutch friend, the owner of a Steam account, decided to buy L4D2 and let me use his account. I was so freaking happy and downloaded it. When it finished, I started it. Some random error appeared about Steam not recognizing my shitty onboard graphics card, I ignored. The menu opened fine but when I tried to play it: total unluckiness. It was extremely laggy and the graphics were all fucked up! I couldn’t even play correctly a singleplayer, let alone an online game. Fortunately, I could still play it on the LAN House along with L4D1, but it wasn’t the same.

A few months later in May 2011, they removed Steam in the LAN house, and I thought I would never play the most epic zombie shooter on Earth again, until I got an early birthday present that changed it all: a new graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT)!

I logged in, started L4D2 and as soon as it worked in late May, I couldn’t stop playing it (and still can’t). Everyday (when I can) I go play on Scavenge and Survival servers. I explore and discover more things about the game. I created strategies and as soon as I find a cool person in-game I add him/her.

To share all of my experiences and knowledge, I decided to create this blog. I hope you enjoy it and someday it will get really popular! 🙂

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