Category Archives: General

Scavenge Pro Tip #1: Throw cans higher

I am starting a new series of blog posts, centered around the Scavenge game mode. In each post I will share crucial tips, tricks, secrets and more about scavenge. Some might be obvious and only needed for newbies, but others are a bit more advanced and are the knowledge of only some players.

To start the series, I’ll teach you how to throw cans farther.

Read the rest of this entry

(AOA) Clanwar

This post is to document a clanwar I had recently. I don’t usually do clanwars, and this wasn’t 100% clanwar since it was a clan versus a group of other people.

So, what originated this was the irritation I felt the other day while playing a public Scavenge game and these two (AOA) guys were there, shouting “AOA BEST CLAN” and shit like that. It was Kiradjin and Banderas (which barely speaks English by the way). I challenged them and added both to my friendlist.

Today I found these two and two others pubstomping, which means;

When an organized team of friends/clan members plays against a team of "pubs" - random people who join a public server.

But basically, they weren’t playing good. Me and my friend Stonkin! totally owned them; oh wait, we didn’t own, the infected bot did it! I wish I recorded it, they were all cocky gathering and pilling up cans, until, suddenly, lots of AI infected spawn and beat the hell out of them. They only filled 5 cans.

Everything was alright, until… two newbies joined me and my friend. It ruined the game. (AOA) guys started to get arrogant, and I decided: this is it! I challenged them for a clanwar.

It was obvious they were hesitating, but after two returns to lobby we found a decent server. I invited my buddy мαηiα¢, who is a very nice player, with over 2300 hours on t he game. He then got TIP – TOP to join us. It was decided!

We started the game, at around the end of the first row my buddy Stonkin! went to do something and he left. Shortly afterwards my backup “bro” The Frighftul joined. I can go on and on describing what happened and how we kicked their ass, but I’ll just post screenshots and info below.


Map – c8m5_rooftop
Rounds – Best of Five
Server – Official Dedictaed

(AOA) – 0

нαяdรтylє, The Frightful, мαηiα¢ & TIP – TOP – 3

First round.

First round.

Second round.

Second round.

Third and last round.

Third and last round.

Screenshots taken by мαηiα¢.

New in-game name

Hi all. I’m really sorry for my inactivity. I’m here for a small and quick update: I no longer play under the name “RighInTheMiddle“. That, however, will not change the name of this blog (for those who haven’t notice: RightInTheMiddle – RITM).
I sometimes change my nicknames. I was mostly known as Weed for some times, but I’m now Hardstylehunt3r (with some custom characters). This may change to add a clan tag or something.

Almost on holidays

New posts in progress...Hello there. As you may see, lately I haven’t posted anything new. I wanted to keep posting regularly (preferably 2 in 2 days), but school is a pain in the ass. Fortunately, after day 17 this month I’ll be on the long-awaited Summer holidays! Which means I will be able to post freely! 🙂

Until then, I’ll work in a ‘surprise’ (not really, I’d rather consider it another project) for the blog. Stay tuned!

Secrets/glitches video coming soon!

I’ve spent the whole afternoon playing with my friends FuckKarma and ShadowBullet and we found some VERY neat secrets/glitches. I recorded them and will be editing and uploading ASAP. All the glitches were recorded on Survival, in the following maps: No Mercy – Rooftop, Dark Carnival – Motel and Dark Carnival – Concert. I wont reveal all secrets now, but one of them, which happens on the Concert, makes you fly off from Spitter goo. Interesting, huh? I don’t know if these glitches have been discovered yet, but expect us, “The Glitch Hunters” team, on YouTube. 🙂

Hello world!

Hey there. I’ve finished setting up this blog. Expect to see some tutorials and news soon.

To find out about this blog and myself, I highly recommend you to check the About page I just finished writing.