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NoMercy clan (and a survival glitches video on The Bridge)

~{NM}~ L4D2 ClanA few days ago, I had the idea to form a clan and did it with my Steam friend BonoKiller. We thought of a name and he suggested simply NoMercy – I replied that although it’s not really original/creative, I liked it, because we mostly play Scavenge on No Mercy’s Rooftop. We then recruited V0rmetz as our sub-leader, but after some private issues, he left and got replaced by Maniac Chicken. We actively play mostly Scavenge and a bit of Survival.

We are currently searching for active Scavenge players to join that know at least how to write/speak English fluently. Click on the image to the right -> -> -> to visit our Steam page and find out more!

Below is the video we recorded yesterday about glitching on the Survival map The Bridge. Check it out for the GL superjump and the ‘Jesus Spot’!