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Left 4 Dead prequel in development – the long awaited Left 4 Dead 3?

According to news posted in Kotaku this dawn, a Left 4 Dead prequelis being developed! Is this the long-awaited Left 4 Dead 3? Read the two articles from Kotaku and CVG below.According to a report on CVG, Overkill Entertainment – developers of multiplayer shooter Payday: The Heist – are currently working on a new Left 4 Dead title.

While some kind of crossover title was announced between the pair last month, this report is a little more specific, claiming that the new game is a Left 4 Dead prequel that tells the story of how the zombie outbreak came to kill, well, almost everybody.
Source: Kotaku – Left 4 Dead Prequel in Development

The PSN dev announced a partnership with Valve late last month, although it wasn’t immediately clear what form its collaboration would take.

We’re now told its a game that will tell the story of the zombie outbreak that happened before the original Left 4 Dead games.
In its vague announcement Overkill described the project as a “very cool blend of Payday and Left 4 Dead”.
“As perceptive gamers will have noticed, several hints have recently been dropped into Payday: The Heist, which has led to various rumors,” a statement read. “We are excited to be able to confirm that an in-depth collaboration between Overkill and Valve is currently in production.
“We are working on a very cool blend of Payday and Left 4 Dead. I am sure it is so exciting that it will have some players check into the hospital before we are done.”
Overkill was recently acquired by The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, The Darkness and Syndicate maker Starbreeze.
A sequel to Payday: The Heist is also currently in the works.
Source: – E3 2012: Rumour: Left 4 Dead prequel coming from Payday dev
Infection map

A map you can find in Left 4 Dead 2 explaining the spread of the infection. The prequel will probably explain this.

And with these explosive news, I revived the blog. Who else is excited to see what will happen?

Comment below with your thoughts! More articles will be posted as soon as more news about this prequel come.