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(AOA) Clanwar

This post is to document a clanwar I had recently. I don’t usually do clanwars, and this wasn’t 100% clanwar since it was a clan versus a group of other people.

So, what originated this was the irritation I felt the other day while playing a public Scavenge game and these two (AOA) guys were there, shouting “AOA BEST CLAN” and shit like that. It was Kiradjin and Banderas (which barely speaks English by the way). I challenged them and added both to my friendlist.

Today I found these two and two others pubstomping, which means;

When an organized team of friends/clan members plays against a team of "pubs" - random people who join a public server.

But basically, they weren’t playing good. Me and my friend Stonkin! totally owned them; oh wait, we didn’t own, the infected bot did it! I wish I recorded it, they were all cocky gathering and pilling up cans, until, suddenly, lots of AI infected spawn and beat the hell out of them. They only filled 5 cans.

Everything was alright, until… two newbies joined me and my friend. It ruined the game. (AOA) guys started to get arrogant, and I decided: this is it! I challenged them for a clanwar.

It was obvious they were hesitating, but after two returns to lobby we found a decent server. I invited my buddy мαηiα¢, who is a very nice player, with over 2300 hours on t he game. He then got TIP – TOP to join us. It was decided!

We started the game, at around the end of the first row my buddy Stonkin! went to do something and he left. Shortly afterwards my backup “bro” The Frighftul joined. I can go on and on describing what happened and how we kicked their ass, but I’ll just post screenshots and info below.


Map – c8m5_rooftop
Rounds – Best of Five
Server – Official Dedictaed

(AOA) – 0

нαяdรтylє, The Frightful, мαηiα¢ & TIP – TOP – 3

First round.

First round.

Second round.

Second round.

Third and last round.

Third and last round.

Screenshots taken by мαηiα¢.

NoMercy clan (and a survival glitches video on The Bridge)

~{NM}~ L4D2 ClanA few days ago, I had the idea to form a clan and did it with my Steam friend BonoKiller. We thought of a name and he suggested simply NoMercy – I replied that although it’s not really original/creative, I liked it, because we mostly play Scavenge on No Mercy’s Rooftop. We then recruited V0rmetz as our sub-leader, but after some private issues, he left and got replaced by Maniac Chicken. We actively play mostly Scavenge and a bit of Survival.

We are currently searching for active Scavenge players to join that know at least how to write/speak English fluently. Click on the image to the right -> -> -> to visit our Steam page and find out more!

Below is the video we recorded yesterday about glitching on the Survival map The Bridge. Check it out for the GL superjump and the ‘Jesus Spot’!

Scavenge tips

ScavengeMy favourite game mode in Left 4 Dead 2 has got to be Scavenge. It’s a mix of Versus (as it is Infected vs. Survivors) and Survival (because you just stay in one spot, instead of having to complete a whole campaign) – but, this description is more correct for the Versus Survival mutation. The ‘twist’ it has which makes this game mode unique, is that you have to carry gas cans and pour them in to one generator (or car, like in Dead Center‘s Atrium). This is a round-based competitive mode as after all Survivors are killed or pour all gas cans available (some levels have 21 while smaller ones have 16), the teams switch and the new Survivors must pour at least one more can or be faster than the previous ones (for example, if the previous team poured the 21 cans in 2 minutes and 12 seconds, the new team, in order to win, must pour those in 2 minutes and 11 seconds or less).

Like all other modes, Scavenge highly requires teamwork – without it you will definitely fail. Another thing is strategy: for both Infected and Survivors. There are hundreds of strategies that vary from level to level and from the team’s skill. Below are some useful tips I found on WikiCheats.

Survivor Tips

  • Don’t take too long to begin the match by leaving the starting grid. This simply gives the infected players time to set up an ambush.
  • Grab the closest cans first and work your way out to the farthest ones. You only earn points for pouring them into the generator so you want to be sure you getting those easiest ones first.
  • Work together as a team. Protect the person or persons carrying the gas cans.
  • When one person is pouring gas into a generator, another should be guarding them while they do so. If they are hit during the pour, the pour meter will restart. Keep infected off them so they can pour the gas in one quick try.
  • Splitting into pairs works well. Just be sure to stick close together in order to protect one another.
  • Some levels it’s better to split up. One pair of survivors can wait by the generator while the other pair grabs cans and throws them to the generator team. Don’t use this strategy when there is a spitter, though. She can make the gas cans blow up.
  • Don’t simply throw gas cans in front of the generator and leave them there. A Spitter’s acid can destroy a stockpile of gas cans which will then force you to go back and recollect them. Only toss them if someone is there to pick them up and finish the job.

Infected Tips

  • Spitter’s are incredibly useful during this game mode. Once a gas can has been picked up and then dropped (glows orange), it can be destroyed by a Spitter’s acid.
  • A Spitter should generally set up from a concealed vantage point around the generator. This will allow them to easily destroy the left behind gas cans or allows them to spit on the survivors as they fill up the generator.
  • Use Chargers to take out the can carriers and separate them from the others.
  • There will generally be a lot of acid being spit near the generator. Jockeys can hide in waiting nearby and then hop onto a survivor once they try to flee the acid and then steer them right back into it.
  • Use the time before the survivors start the match to get a lay of the land and set up an ambush near the closest set of gas cans.
  • Hunters and Smokers especially work well when you’re trying to force an opponent to drop a gas can in overtime.
  • Teamwork is just as important as the infected as it is when you’re the survivors.
Source: WikiCheats - Left 4 Dead 2 (PC/XB360) Scavenge Tips